This is my 2D Shooter project called Solo Mission. The following modifications I made to the game are...

  • Create a complete interesting, comprehensive, and coherent level.
  • Add multiple additional levels and tie them in to create a logical progression in your game. 
  • Modify the out-of-game menus in some significant and meaningful way.
  • Added cut scenes in-between levels to a some sort of story element to the game
  • Added different music to the game. (Not mine so I know it doesn't count as a modification, but thought it would be cool)
  • Added an environmental challenge within one of the levels


Created by: Sean Kavanaugh

Music was made by: Eric Matyas

Main Menu: "Light Years V001"

Cut scene 1: "Stranded in the Outer Rim"

Level One: "Murder in the Outer Colonies"

Cut scene 2: "Strange Things"

Cut scene 3: "Sneaking around the grid"

Cut scene 4: "Ruins on Rigel 3"

Cut scene 5: "Sky City Menu"


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